Leonardi, Paul M.. 2015. “Ambient Awareness and Knowledge Acquisition: Using Social Media to Learn “Who Knows What” and “Who Knows Whom”,” MIS Quarterly, (39: 4) pp.747-762.
Abstract The argument proffered in this paper is that use of enterprise social networking technologies can increase the accuracy of people’s metaknowledge (knowledge of “who knows what” and “who knows whom”) at work. The results of a quasi-natural field experiment in which only one of two matched-sample groups within a large financial services firm was given access to the enterprise social networking technology for six months revealed that by making people’s communications with specific partners visible to others in the organization, the technology enabled observers to become aware of the communications occurring amongst their coworkers and to make inferences about what and whom those coworkers knew based on the contents of the messages they sent and to whom they were sent. Consequently only individuals in the group that used the social networking technology for six months improved the accuracy of their metaknowledge (a 31% improvement in knowledge of who knows what and an 88% improvement in knowledge of who knows whom). There were no improvements in the other group over the same time period. Based on these findings, how technologically enabled “ambient awareness”—awareness of ambient communications occurring amongst others in the organization—can be an important antecedent for knowledge acquisition is discussed.
同僚とのやりとりが他の同僚にも見えるグループとそうでないグループを作る 6ヶ月後、前者グループは「誰が何を知っているか」の知識が31%、「誰が誰を知っているか」の知識が88%向上した、後者グループは改善しなかった
グループはおよそ50人 誰が何を知っているかのテストは、各メンバーが業務に関連する知識を3つ挙げ、それから他のメンバーがその知識を持っていると思うかどうかを答えた これを独立した2名の評価者が見て、それぞれのメンバーの他人の知識に対する推測がどれくらい当たっているのかを評価する 二人の評価者の評価は十分な割合で一致するので評価を信用して良い。評価が食い違う場合にはより保守的な評価(低い評価のこと)を採用した